Monday, August 27, 2007

ADL And Cop, Campus Cop, FBI Connection

The ADL is the spy and propaganda arm of the Israel lobby , working with a operational budget of , varying estimates of $60-80 MM, ADL has been known to spy even on the most minute small political gatherings, some obvious, but many not so obvious. Civic and ethnic groups, the way to find out if there are ADL spooks in your local group: see if they talk about Jews too much, especially new guys, then notice if leaders in your respective community happen to mimic the ADL's position on just about anything. The ADL, according to cases documented on ADL Watch site, employs local cops, even dumb laughing-stock butt-of-all-jokes in your community campus cops, and , of course, FBI...

This posting below was found on a Jewish Forum:

ADL Provides Training to Law Enforcement in Counterterrorism in
>> Washington, DC
>> Posted: August 10, 2007
>> The Anti-Defamation League and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
>> led a full day Law Enforcement and Society training session for eighty
>> senior police officials who were participating in the FBI Academy’s
>> Law Enforcement in Counterterrorism (LinCT) Program. LinCT is the FBI
>> Academy’s newest training initiative, bringing together law
>> enforcement leaders who command counter-terrorism operations in the United States,
>> Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and consisting of three weeks
>> studying counter-terrorism in the United States and the United
>> Kingdom.
Through the examination of the Holocaust and the role played by police
>> in the twelve year descent from the rule of law to Nazi genocide, Law
>> Enforcement and Society provides law enforcement professionals with an
>> understanding of their role as protectors of individual rights and
>> democratic values. Created in 1999 by the ADL and the Holocaust
>> Museum, at the request of Washington, DC, Police Chief Charles Ramsey, Law
>> Enforcement and Society has trained more than 32,000 federal, state
>> and local police and is a required part of training for all New FBI Agents.


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