Friday, October 15, 2004
About Me
- Name: Hellenic Nationalist
I'm a Hellenic Nationalist living in New York City, the epicenter of globalization and Western decadence. I plan to use this blog as a stream of consciousness, a soapbox, and a bitching post. I offer the unique perspective of an old world Nationalistic upbringing while raised in the cultureless and nation-less Western world of meaningless nation-less nihilism and market values. I will be a critic and a dilettante and I hold dear to my heart the dream of a Nationalist Revolution in my Fatherland.
Previous Posts
- Zionist Name Brands To Avoid
- Rabbi: Israelis Must Stop Spitting on the Cross
- Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting...
- Dienekes' Anthropology Blog
- Greek Orthodox Saints and Canons Against Abortion
- FBI Seizes Global Indymedia Servers
- Update On Getting A Greek "Educashun" (sic!)
- No Smoking Please
- Mental Instability In Greece
- The New Bi-Polar World:America-Israel versus The R...

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