Unfortunately, the service provided by these soldiers of righteousness goes still largely unknown. Also, unfortunately these kind of special men are called "extremists". Is it better to be called these things or to find yourselves under the yolk of a moslem oppressor?, unfortunately, even Greeks have become cattle as well and have chosen the latter. Alexander turns in his grave...........
I'm a Hellenic Nationalist living in New York City, the epicenter of globalization and Western decadence. I plan to use this blog as a stream of consciousness, a soapbox, and a bitching post. I offer the unique perspective of an old world Nationalistic upbringing while raised in the cultureless and nation-less Western world of meaningless nation-less nihilism and market values. I will be a critic and a dilettante and I hold dear to my heart the dream of a Nationalist Revolution in my Fatherland.
Unfortunately, the service provided by these soldiers of righteousness goes still largely unknown. Also, unfortunately these kind of special men are called "extremists". Is it better to be called these things or to find yourselves under the yolk of a moslem oppressor?, unfortunately, even Greeks have become cattle as well and have chosen the latter. Alexander turns in his grave...........
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