Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Persecution Of "Holocaust" Skeptics Rages On

The Belgian government is now set to politically persecute scholars who question the Jews' Hollow-Cause on the internet:

Belgian Holocaust Skeptic to Face Trial in Germany

26 October 2005
Belgian Holocaust denier Siegfried Verbeke is to face trial in Germany for claiming the Nazis did not murder six million Jews. On Wednesday, Le Soir reported that a court in Amsterdam had agreed to extradite Verbeke, who comes from Kortrijk in Flanders. He was arrested at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam in August and charged with racism and xenophobia and of spreading negationist opinions on the internet. (Link)

Coincidentallyy, there is at least one country in the entire world which is concerned over this flagrant disregard for intellectual freedom in the Western world. The souce of the enlightenment is the theocratic republic of Iran. According to the IHR (Institute for Historical Review) News and Comment e-mail list:

A new Iranian television movie, "Holo causte," is a dramatic portrayal of the real-life persecution of scholars in various countries who courageously challenge the orthodox Holocaust story, which has a venerated status in the US and western Europe. "Holo causte" was broadcast on Iran's Sahar television network on October 28, 2005. Produced by Sahar television, it was filmed in Lebanon. The characters speak in French, English, and Arabic.

Clips of this movie could be found on the website of the Jewish-Zionist dominated Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

It would be interesting if one could obtain this movie and translate it into Greek...


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