Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hellenian's Commentary On The Silent Genocide Of Greeks

It's true that no existing Greek political party -- nationalist or otherwise -- has adequently confronted the issue of abortion by completely denouncing it in all cases and calling for its complete criminalization -- which is the only ethical solution and the only solution compatible with Orthodox Canon Law. However, a number of Greek political parties have denounced it to certain degrees and for various reasons (but mostly over the demographic problem Greece faces). Here follow the official stances of Golden Dawn, Patriotic Alliance, Popular Rally, Hellenic Front, and the Hellenic Women's Political Party:

Golden Dawn official "Proposals for a New Policy"[1] includes these declarations:
"Social and National redefinition of the importance of Family and Motherhood. [...] Support for the unwed mother for the deterrence of abortion. [...] No to mixed marriages, no to profuse abortions which drive our Nation to racial death. [...] More children means more Hellenes, more potential for progress, more production, more deterrence to every foreign design".

Patriotic Alliance's official "Program Directive"[2] includes these declarations: "[...] needed is a NATIONAL redefinition of the importance and essence of WOMAN-FAMILY-MOTHERHOOD. [...] We want preventive medicine and particular observation of the pregnant woman and her child. [...] We want the state's support to unwed women for the deterrence of abortion. [...] We say NO to mixed marriages, NO to profuse abortions which drive our Nation to racial death".

Popular Rally's official "Program"[3] includes these declarations: "The issue of the low birthrate is further related with the problem of abortion. The problem must be eliminated immediately and LA.O.S believes that the correct briefing and edification of young people about family planning is the first and most important step. Disruption of gestation constitutes murder of the embryo and [warrants] prosecution, with exception in cases of medical necessity. For unwed mothers it is anticipated that a special state provision will exist". It is also worth mentioning that when Popular Rally was still known as Popular Orthodox Rally that it merged with Hellenic Front and gained the support of the Hellenic Women's Political Party since both of these parties will be analyzed below.

Hellenic Front is still part of Popular Rally. The president of the Women's Department of the party, in a speech[4] listed under the Women's Department section[5] of Hellenic Front's official newspaper "Hellenic Lines", includes this declaration: "All that we previously heard about the nonexistent governmental policy on hot issues like the demographic [problem], abortions and unmarried mothers, unemployment, criminality, we want to change them. We have the proposals and the will". Aside from that, one will not find any other article that mentions the issue of abortion on "Hellenic Lines" -- at least by conventional methods. Apparently, when the site was re-designed, some articles were left out but not deleted. (Although they cannot be accessed using the website's built-in search function or by manually browsing for them, it is possible to unearth them by utilizing a special google search method that completely searches a website.) One of these "missing" articles concerned the 2003 meeting of the Women's Department[6]. Along with the speech that I just excerpted from, it contained four others as well -- one of which was a lengthy speech entitled "Abortions, Unwed Mothers and Criminal State Neglect". I have suspicions that this article was intentionally left out of the re-designed site since: a) one of the speeches was extracted from it and made into its own article and b) it is very specific on an issue that I think Hellenic Front would prefer to remain as vague on as possible. (So I wouldn't be surprised if it suddenly was deleted.) The relevant speech is somewhat lengthy but I've managed to translate a good portion of it: "[...] it is frightening to hear that every year 200,000 children die in gynecological clinics from abortion. A daily genocide! And we speak of genocide because what is removed through abortion is a human life. Despite what voluntarily blind materialists claim, the embryo constitutes a human entity from the moment of conception. Aside from the theological standpoint that the human soul is inherent in the embryo from the first day of gestation [fertilization], science also comes to the defense that we are talking about a live human organism that develops with a rapid rate. [...] Despite all of this the state allows the conduct of this crime, not only defending the death sentence of hundreds of thousands of unborn children, but moreover placing the health of thousands of mothers in substantial danger. [...] therefore undoubtedly significant humanitarian questions come into question. Unborn children as human entities must be protected by the laws that safeguard life and human dignity. Instead of this they are murdered in a rush without the least scruple on behalf of the state. Their bodies are literally wrung [and] unscrupulous traders become rich [by selling the bodies]. It is truly intriguing how various internationalists who have a want for humanitarianism as an avocation remain silent before this blatent crime. Aside from the humanitarian crime a clearly national crime is effected. The state wages a silent national genocide, exterminating 200,000 Greek children every year at a moment where our nation faces a demographic decline. And it consciously executes this genocide not only by legalizing the abortions but also by prompting, through its nonexistent support, thousands of unmarried mothers to decide to kill their child". The speech ends by citing the proposals of the Women's Department of Hellenic Front: "Change in the legislative framework that regards abortion with: [...] immediate prohibition of any method of trade in embryonic organs or tissues that originate from aborted infants [and] treatment of the embryo as a live human organism and the restriction of authorized abortions to only very special cases. [...] Substantial support to unwed mothers from the state with the creation of a specialized relief organization [to this end]. Such an organization will have to provide the unmarried mother with support of social functions, the capability of residence in special shelters, economic aid during the period of pregnancy, the free provision of medical-pharmaceutical nursing during childbirth, and medical exams and a monthly subsidy with special benefits for unmarried mothers. The Church, but also independent institutions that deal with the support of unmarried mothers, have succeeded greatly with the above [measures] without the tiniest state assistance. This explicitly demonstrates that the means are not absent but the intention and the political will so as to effectively counter the problem of abortion and to essentially support the unmarried mother is". In addition, one can find a link to the "Association for the Protection of the Unborn Child" on the links page[7] of "Hellenic Lines". However, they haven't bothered to update the URL from to with the result that when you click on it you get a 403 error. This may imply that the link is just for show. I mean, if Hellenic Front were actually were against abortion, they would have probably accessed the link from their own website, seen the error, and corrected it. But, as it is, months have passed and they still haven't noticed the URL change.

The Hellenic Women's Political Party still supports Popular Rally as their website indicates[8]. The Hellenic Women's Political Party's official "Some Foundational Purposes & Principles of the Political Party"[9] includes this declaration: "Reduce the 400.000 abortions per year with unconditional solidarity of the state to the women". There may be more references to abortion on the website (I didn't read through all of it so I'm not sure) but, from what I read, this seems to be the party's strongest statement.

Although for your typical far-Leftist, these would probably constitute "extremist" positions, for any genuinely ethical person (of any political ideology), these do not constitute a staunch rejection of abortion. Although a degree of oppossition is expressed, not a single one of the political parties listed above clearly calls for the complete criminalization of abortion -- and that's simple unacceptable. Abortion constitutes the greatest crime against humanity as it targets the most young, innocent, and defenseless human beings for slaughter. There can be no justification under any circumstance for capital punishment against such a group. Also, instead of viewing the issue as a human rights issue, every one of these parties views it mostly as a demographic problem. This raises the question: what if there wasn't a demographic problem in Greece? Would these parties then consent, or even support, abortion? Considering that not a single one of them clearly called for its complete criminalization, and left doors open for its continuation, it's not impossible that their "anti-abortion" stances might shift towards that direction. The fact that Golden Dawn and Patriotic Alliance seem to only want to dissuade abortions and seem to be more concerned about the threat of "racial death"; the fact that Popular Rally believes the best solution is education on matters of "family planning" (which, no doubt, probably includes support for birth control pills, even though they are abortifacients[10]) and that, even though Popular Rally recognizes abortion as murder, that they make exceptions for it; the fact that Hellenic Front's current stance on abortion is purposely extremely vague, that their old position (even though it regarded abortion as a human rights issue) still made exceptions for it, and the fact that they have probably officially accepted Popular Rally's official position; and the fact that the Hellenic Women's Political Party is very vague and probably supports Popular Rally's official position; along with the aforementioned prominence of the demographic issue as the primary justification against abortion indicates that the positions of these parties (which aren't acceptable in the first place) are by no means set in stone.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that, although these parties have expressed disapproval towards abortion in writing that, to my knowledge, none of them have ever tried to bring this issue to the mainstream public's attention. But considering how suspiciously vague they generally want to remain on the issue of abortion (and the related issue of contraception), this is not surprising.

So, just like you said: "As of now, there is not one Hellenic Nationalist mainstream or so-called "extreme" movement, group or party confronting the Silent Genocide of Greeks".

[9] &


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abortion in Greece should be outlawed, except for in case of rape ; forceful coercion, and to prevent the birth of mongrels, mixed bloods and other undesirables.

No mixed marriage licenses should ever be issued.

Citizenship should be based on the jus sanguinius law only, the right of blood. This law should particularly apply to citizenships granted after 1980, when Greece started motoring on the road to the multiracial circus it is becoming today.

4:27 AM  
Blogger Hellenian said...

There is absolutely no justification for abortion and that abomination must be completely criminalized without any exceptions whatsoever. In a civilized society abortion cannot be acceptable on any grounds.

You cite allowances for abortion on the grounds of rape/forceful coercion. Rape may be a terrible crime but that fact in no way detracts from the fact that unborn children who are conceived in that manner are innocent. In the words of Dr. Michael Bauman, "A child does not lose its right to life simply because its father or its mother was a sexual criminal or a deviant". The unborn child is not responsible for his father's crimes and should not be put to death because of them. To punish any innocent person for the crimes of another is a perversion of justice and a crime itself. But to punish by death the most innocent and defenseless human being for the crimes of another is nothing short of an abomination of barbaric proportions. While the mother should not be obligated to raise the child, she has an obligation to give birth to him.

You also cite that abortion should be used in order to "prevent the birth of mongrels, mixed bloods and other undesirables". The fact that you would condone the most heinous type of murder based on the genetic makeup of an individual says a lot about yourself and probably indicates that I am debating in vain since a person with such deplorable views would have to be completely amoral in the first place. If you have such a senseless hatred of everyone non-Greek, why don't you simply call for the expulsion of non-Greeks from Greece? This would solve the (nonexistant) problem of "mixed bloods" in Greece in a far more humanitarian manner. And even if you reject the concept of morality, and human rights are meaningless to you, you'd still have to agree that an expulsion of non-Greeks would be more practical than the monstrous genocide that you so casually promote.

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I maintain and support the call n of expelling non desirable, non assimilable foreigners from Greece.
However I don't hold my breath for such an illuminating step to be taken by the authorities.
In the first place today's chaotic situation would not have arisen if we had had responsible, national government. Neither it is expected from the perpetrators of this imigration crime to invent sane solutions to arrest it, redress it and reverse it.

Given the existing adverse circumstances, should the optimistic plan to expell unassimilable foreigners be delayed or postponed, adequate measures need to be implemented for the prevention of their growth and multiplication, which otherwise will excacerbate the insane conditions even further.
I am not speaking out of a "senseless hatred for non greeks" but out of love for my race. I have unlimited love and respect for any foreigner as long as his tribe remains in his homeland and not attempt to invade my homeland seeking a "better tomorrow" which as being implemented will eventuate in the displacement of the native and the loss of respect for the "foreigner". In my home I want to be with my family, friends , relatives and invited guests. This is an inviolable and inalienable human right. The right of choice, the freedom of association, the right of a sovereign nation.
The application of the jus sanguinius law will preempt a potential genetic catastrophe from erasing native greeks from their own land.

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I maintain and support the call of expelling non desirable, non assimilable foreigners from Greece.
However I don't hold my breath for such an illuminating step to be taken by the authorities.
In the first place today's chaotic situation would not have arisen if we had had responsible, national government. Neither it is expected from the perpetrators of this imigration crime to invent sane solutions to arrest it, redress it and reverse it.

Given the existing adverse circumstances, should the optimistic plan to expell unassimilable foreigners be delayed or postponed, adequate measures need to be implemented for the prevention of their growth and multiplication, which otherwise will excacerbate the insane conditions even further.
I am not speaking out of a "senseless hatred for non greeks" but out of love for my race. I have unlimited love and respect for any foreigner as long as his tribe remains in his homeland and not attempt to invade my homeland seeking a "better tomorrow" which as being implemented will eventuate in the displacement of the native and the loss of respect for the "foreigner". In my home I want to be with my family, friends , relatives and invited guests. This is an inviolable and inalienable human right. The right of choice, the freedom of association, the right of a sovereign nation.
The application of the jus sanguinius law will preempt a potential genetic catastrophe from erasing native greeks from their own land.

7:00 AM  
Blogger Hellenian said...

It is hypocritical to speak of freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, or any other freedoms when you deny the most univeral and inalienable right that every single human being is entitled to: the right to be born. All of those aforementioned rights are dependent on this right. After all, if you are deprived of your life, how can you go on to have freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, etc.? You simply cannot. Thus, the right to life is the mother of all other subsequent rights. For one who had this right respected, your words which call for others to have the very same right denied are particularly odious and completely unjustifiable.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not comment because I don't understand your posting.
There is justification for abortion. From an individual's point of view, the mother has the prerogative to decide. It is her body, it is her health, and it is her life. From a national perspective and racial sense abortion should be outlawed particularly when demographics are at a critical juncture.
From a groups point of view it is not justifiable, because the individual becomes subjected to the larger interest of race nation, as the individual perishes but the life of the nation continues.
The issue is to find a balance and equilibrium between national interests and individual inclinations.
Religious admonishment and sanctimonious moralizing not withstanding.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Hellenian said...

Since you've demonstrated a lack of moral values in the course of our short exchange I am not very surprised that you are having trouble comprehending what I wrote. However, everything I stated was quite simple to understand. I logically demonstrated how your talk of "rights" is hypocritical when you deny the most univeral and inalienable right that exists (i.e. the right to be born) to others.

You claim that abortion is justifiable but your arguments are shoddy. Abortion is not justifiable from any perspective or point of view. Barbaric and anti-human practices can never be justified. In an attempt to support your detestable position you claim that abortion is justifiable because it is a woman's body, health, and life. However, it is not a woman's body, health, and life. It is the life, body, and health of a distinct human being. A woman's body does not extend to the separate life that has developed and is growing within it. To say that the distinct life within a woman's body doesn't constitute a separate human entity is as logical as saying that a person on a life-support system is not a distinct human entity but rather part of the machine that is nourishing it.

Scientifically and biologically speaking human life begins at conception. This is an indisputable medical fact. And since we are talking about a human life, that life must be granted the same basic rights that exist for any other human being and the laws that apply to other human beings must also apply to that life. As such, abortion is a criminal act and constitutes the unjustifiable murder of a human being.

The issue has absolutely nothing to do with national interests, individual inclinations, or finding a "balance". Although many things in life are neither black and white but rather fall into a "gray area", the issue of abortion is not one of these. Without exception, abortion is completely unjustifiable and an abominable violation of the most basic human rights. Abortion must be completely criminalized. It has absolutely no place in a humanitarian and civilized society. It has no place in any society, for that matter.

Although you bring up "religious admonishment and sanctimonious moralizing" in order to make the humanitarian opposition to abortion appear as a religiously-motivated argument, this position is not motivated by religion but rather by the sancity of all human life. Despite the fact that pro-abortion advocates often attempt to twist the pro-life position into seeming like a religious position in order to alienate individuals from supporting it, opposition to abortion is clearly about human rights and, as such, involves all human beings and not just those whose religion condemns it.

11:01 PM  
Blogger Hellenian said...

Apparently, this entry was read by someone from "Hellenic Lines". I assume the person noticed the link referrals in their website's counter and followed them back here because there have been several changes on their website that directly relate to what I wrote in my commentary.

"Hellenic Lines" didn't remove link no. 6 as I'd expected them to. Instead, they re-published that meeting in the re-designed website under the Women's Department section (link no. 5). I noticed that they also finally corrected the link to the "Association for the Protection of the Unborn Child" website (found on the page that link no. 7 directs you to).

Now, if only "Hellenic Lines" started taking a more staunch position against abortion I would be able to respect Hellenic Front once again (in spite of many ideological differences I have with them). Unfortunately, their merger with Popular Orthodox Rally (now called Popular Rally) has probably rendered them unable to differ on social and political issues that are part of the latter's official platform.

6:39 PM  

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