Sick Strangers In A Strange Land...
This gruesome (caution the pics are scary) article deals with Americans forces that gang rape thousands of women & men (& even old men) in Afghanistan!
A Hellenic Nationalist living in the belly of the beast.
US uses uranium depleted "tipped" rounds (.50 & .20 caliber)...the afghans send tons of heroin to the US, Europe killing more people (indirectly or directly due to their drugs)...
you can go to any hospital in any developed country and find deformed still-born babies and it is not from uranium exposure...more Muslim propaganda...
I agree don't fall for this crap. The muslims are the friends fo no one. They are not to be pittied. they have brought more suffering on themselves than anyone could ever even try to do.
Let the US and muslims kill themselves.
if all those rape claims are tru than hopefully they get exposed, but they're only claims so and there's no actual evidence, so its hard to say ''its definetely tru''... having said that it def wouldn't be out of the U.S. armies nature to do such a thing.
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