Friday, April 27, 2007

Four Jewish Lobbies Back Turkey's Holocaust (of Armenians) Denial

"B'nai B'rith International, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) have recently conveyed a letter from Turkish Jews to US Congressional leaders," (Click here for the rest of the article from Public Radio of Armenia)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing that the jews whom lost so many during the 2nd world war to hitlers plans, would decide to try and condemn , hide and blot out the Armenian genocide just because they are friendly with the turks?

The jews are supposed to know as well as anyone else what it is like to have a genocide thrust upon a people. Instead of unconditionaly supporting the turks on this , they should join hands with the ARMENIANS to condemn GENOCIDE instead of trying to hide it!. Furthermore it is duplicitous behavior by the jews. They DEMAND recognition of their own genocide but have no qualms rejecting the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians ( lets not forget the Pontian Greeks BTW!). It's a tremendous double standard:" you must acknowledge OUR genocide but we WILL NOT acknowledge YOURS"

History is a funny thing sometimes. It was Hitler who said (before the holocaust was started) to his propagandists and other staff when asked what the world would say when they learned of all the jews being slaughtered: " the world never said anything when the turks killed 1.5 million Armenians".......what an irony if you really think about it. The Jews are siding with the TURKS on this, a people who were actually USED AS AN EXAMPLE FOR HITLER SO THAT HE COULD KILL MILLIONS OF JEWS!

"Verily I say to you that".......the Jews have gotten their reward!

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Isn't it amazing that the jews whom lost so many during the 2nd world war to hitlers plans, would decide to try and condemn , hide and blot out the Armenian genocide just because they are friendly with the turks?"

Its funny I used to believe wholehardedly in the Jewish holocaust but it was Simon Peres' rejection and denial of the armenian holocaust that got me to investigate. I realized that the Jews are not interested in real history just history as propaganda in order to serve their interests. I knew of the greeks and armenians sufferings as my grandfather fought in 1922 and told my father of the horrors. yet when I investigated WWII and jewish claims I discovered a lot of false stories. I do believe Jews died but not in the numbers they claim and not necessary the way they claim. Their arrogance has backfired and now I openly question the so called Jewish holocaust.

2:38 PM  

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