Thursday, July 07, 2005

English Nationalist Response To London Bomb Attacks

The response (pasted below) comes from Final Conflict -- a publication that supports the English Nationalist and Third Positionist organization, England First-- and is in response to today's breaking news of bomb attacks in London:


if there is one thing that history has taught us, it is to stand back and take a cold, dispassionate view of such terror acts as the bombs that took and ruined many lives this morning in London.

Already the internet rumour mill is churning out possibilities. It was Mossad, MI5, CIA.... Of course the media are already telling us it was Al Qaeda.

Of course we were also told that the 'twin towers' were brought down by Al Qaeda too - and how many people, hand on heart, still believe that?

In today's sad world the 'mad muslims' are only too happy to take the credit for any terrorist outrage, regardless of who did it. They are also not adverse to being pushed into such actions by 'helpful' agents of Western powers - agent provocateurs if you like.

What's for sure is that out of all of this, things will worsen for us.

Just as Bush used '9/11' - not that I remember any terror happening on the 9th of November] - to justify illegality and mass murder in Iraq, as he toppled a regime which the Al Qaeda types loathed; so Blair and his hangers-on are likely to use this latest terror attack to try and push through his act to get us all carrying his Big Brother id cards.

Blair is already on the Electronic Talmud, sorry - the TV, stating that this terror act isn't Islamic, and how terrorists misuse the name of Islam. he seems so keen to prop up his multi-culturalism at any cost! The London Mayor, 'Red' Ken Livingstone, made an impassioned plea out in Singapore [where he'd been enjoying a free beano, promoting the London bid for the 2012 Olympics] stating that the bomb's victims were all races, creeds, religions etc...

It is self-evident that multi-racislism is starting to crack, and the spectre of Islamic terrorism on English soil - actual or otherwise - could be the last straw for many people.

So as nationalists our job is threefold:

1. Let us study the evidence so we can see how really planted the bombs -- just as we saw beyond the lurid headlines re. Mossad/Masonic terror in Bologna, Carpenthras and New York - relatively blamed on fascists, anti-Semites and Muslims.

2. We must stand firm against Big Brother attempts to curtail our freedoms in the name of 'fighting terror.' Stopping our freedoms is a defeat against the very rights that Bush and Blair always claim to be defending with their illegitimate wars.

3. We must use people's discomfort over Islam to show that multi-ethnic and multi-racial societies DO NOT WORK, and agitate for the resettlement not only of Muslims, but also of Hindus, Afro-Caribbeans and others who have brought their racial, narcotic, ethnic and religious tensions to our shores.

These three aspects must be undertaken concurrently. To ignore any one will make the nationalist response incomplete and put it in danger of following a media/left-wing and/or reactionary right/Zionist agenda.

Beware those, from within or without the 'movement' who offer quick fixes and easy answers - we must tackle these problems in an all-encompassing way.

Study the facts.
Defend our freedoms.
Undermine multi-racialism


Blogger Hellenic Nationalist said...

Where does the revelations talk about a "fascist dictator" ? This could not even be included in any of prophecies of Saints , since fascism and fascists are a Twentieth Century political phenomenom ,specifically of the era of 1914-1945. This false information you indicate is most likely another attempt by the rulers of Hollywood and/or other Traditional Enemies Of Christianity who wish the blacken the good deeds of fascists and fascism. And Blair is also NOT a fascist, he is a liberal,multiculturalising democratic leader.

BTW, I had the good fortune to attend a talk by a learned and wise Priest who read and analyzed the Propehcy of Saint Methodius and he revealed that the anti-Christ will have a beautiful voice, a womanly face and will hail from Asia, not only that he will found a new religion that will gain a great many adherents. Something to ponder...but it does again rule out Blair and Bush as potential candidates

9:55 AM  
Blogger Hellenic Nationalist said...

hey eoka assassin,

I've been trying to get to that site you indicated, but it seems that the site has been unavailable the several times I tried to visit since yesterday.

11:40 PM  

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