Saturday, January 28, 2006

Greek Orthodox Christian Is Candidate On Hamas

The newspaper tabloids in New York (let's take a wild guess who owns them) have been advancing hysteria over the rise of Hamas in Palestine, or rather, occupied-Palestine. Has anyone stopped to ask if there is one "Israeli" or Jewish-dominated political party or movement, just one, that has a Greek Orthodox Christian on its election roster, or any candidate that is not Jewish?

Hamas , ( ooooo,shudders)has a Greek Orthodox Christian candidate,

What is the Church's opinion of your running on a Hamas ticket?

I said that I am a Christian (Greek Orthodox) and I have a great loyalty to my Christianity. I am proud of that. But, here, we are speaking about political issues. I could win the support of all the Palestinian parties as I have done with Hamas.

Mozart's 250th Birthday

I thank classical music lover, Iranian For Aryan's blog, for informing us of Mozart's landmark 250th birthday. Mozart's Prague Symphony must be my all around most favorite composition, sheer creative musical genius.

A new blog,On The Contrary, revisits the significance of Mozart's birthday in the dark time of Europe today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

One Man Versus The Mob

A very informative commentary by Bill White on how one man can beat a mob. If only one such man can realize that a mob is nothing but a rabble of cowards, then we would all be able to confront the leftist scourge that plagues the body. If a leftist spits in your face, punch him in his, if he throw a Molotox , then catch it, the cowards have security in the blanket of the mob.

Which is why Anarchists and their sister ideologues --hailing from liberalism ,communism,democracy and overall egalitarianism --are mere cowards taking shelter in the mob. One brave man can squat them down , one by one, and they will all scatter.

Anarchist Bank Robbers In Greece

This blog has some interesting and informative entries on the spate of Anarchist bank robberies in Greece.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Message From +Bishop Christodoulos On Orthodox Epiphany in New York's Harbor

The Holy Metropolis of the Greek Orthodox
Old Calendar Church of America
Cathedral of St. Markella
22-68 26th Street * Astoria, NY 11105

THEOPHANIA (Epiphany) at South Street Seaport

The Holy Metropolis is pleased to announce that for the fifth year in succession the blessing of the waters for Theophania (Epiphany) 2006 will again occur at the South Street Seaport, in New York City.

On Thursday January 19, 2006, following Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Markella, Metropolitan PAVLOS, who is the Archbishop of America, will lead the clergy and faithful to the seaport where he will conduct a service to bless the waters of the great city. He will complete the blessing by casting a Cross into the icy waters. This symbolizes the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan at the hands of St. John the Baptist. Dozens of young men, will dive into the harbor hoping to reach the Cross first and return it to the Archbishop.

The ancient and holy Greek Orthodox Christian ritual, dating from the time of the Emperors in Byzantium, will be witnessed by the people of New York through the cooperation of the local authorities.

The Holy Metropolis invites everyone to come witness this glorious and joyful Holy Tradition together with the clergy and faithful from the Cathedral. It is expected that the solemn procession to the seaport will begin at 1 P.M. from the corner of Water and Fulton Streets. The procession will be lead by the Monaghan Bag-Pipe Band.

Buses from the Cathedral in Astoria will be available with a required reservation. For directions by public transportation or automobile, contact my office at the Cathedral.

God be with you,
+Bishop Christodoulos
+Bishop Christodoulos

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Happy Christmas

HAPPY CHRISTMAS! to those of you who will be celebrating Christ's Holy Nativity with the Orthodox Patristic Calendar.

+Bishop Christodoulos

The vine which produced the unfertilized fruit carried It as though in the encircling arms of the branches, and said: 'Thou, my fruit, my life, By Whom I am known as I am and was. Thou art my God. As I behold the seal of my virginity unbroken, I proclaim Thee the immutable Word become flesh. I know no seed; I know Thee as one who delivers from corruption; For I am pure after having Thee as issue from me; For Thou hast left my womb as Thou hast found it; Thou hast kept it safe. For this reason the whole creation rejoices with me, crying: Mary, full of grace.'

---The Kontakia of Romanos, On the Nativity II

Nets and snares were fashioned, then, For the young fawn of the Virgin and Mother of God, But the trap was broken and the fawn escaped, tearing the snare.
With His mother, like a blameless deer, He fled Into Egypt, as Micah once said. O Thou Who art everywhere and Who rulest over all, where dost Thou flee?

Where dost Thou lead? In what city Shalt Thou make Thy dwelling? What house will contain Thee, what place will support Thee? No part of creation anywhere is invisible to Thy sight, But all things are laid bare to Thee, Thou art the Maker of All, O Christ. Why, then, dost Thou flee, Holy One? Because of Thee, Herod mourns as he weeps That his power will soon be destroyed.

---St Romanos the Melodist - On the Massacre of the Innocents (Flight into Egypt).