Friday, March 30, 2007

Holy Week And Kali Anastasi

As a result of a vicious virus and hacker attack, my computer has been put out of commission, which in retrospect is a good thing because I will be spending all my time this coming week in attending Holy Week services, and helping my Greek Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters.

I'll be back online, in another week and a half or so, after Easter.

I wish all genuine Orthodox Christians a blessed Holy Week and a happy and good and Holy Resurrection on Great and Holy Saturday and Pascha. KALI ANASTASI friends and agonistes!


She Means the Greeks

Chick: How come we're always talking about how the Jews were persecuted? Lots of people have been persecuted. My people have been persecuted, too.
Professor guy: Um...This is "Introduction to Jewish-American Literature".
Chick: ...Yeah, but still.

--Waverly Building, Waverly Place

via Overheard in New York, Mar 14, 2006

Thursday, March 29, 2007

New Site To Read On Jewish-Zionist Crimes

The Judicial Inc site ran an interesting story on Churchill's Jewish mother, seems that Churchill's mother Jenny Jerome was 'outed' in The Jerusalem Post, Jan 18, 1993: editorial columnist Moshe Kohn wrote: 'Cunning, no doubt, came to Churchill in the Jewish genes transmitted by his mother Lady Randolph Churchill, née Jenny Jacobson/Jerome.' We can thank the English and their leader Churchill for the 60 million battle deaths and the Soviet expansion that ensued due to barbaric England's refusal to conclude an early peace , instead the savages escalated the conflict to the barbaric nadir Churchill pushed for, including invasions of Greece, which would have been totally in step with Churchill's true loyalty, the London Spectator reports that Churchill was "too fond of the Jews "and naturally ,like mother's milk, "Anti-Semitism was anathema to Churchill." What cares did Churchill had for death to dumb goyim into the tens of millions,again and again ,in so many places, whatever Jew wants, Jew gets...

Message From A Hellenic Nationalist Comrade On KATHIMERINI's Hostility To Helleno-Orthodoxy

Here's another example of Kathimerini's transformation from a once respectable conservative newspaper to a ridiculous liberal newspaper hostile to Helleno-Orthodoxy. It's a commentary by Alexis Papachelas, a leftist who usually writes pieces denouncing nationalism and simultaneously exonerating the left of any wrongdoing. (Somehow,even in cases where the left has committed some crime or terrorist attack, he tries to convince his audience that nationalism is somehow to
ultimately blame for it.) In this situation, he goes on to cast doubt on the well-documented Holy Light Miracle and accuses Greek television of broadcasting "absurd nationalism" and "pseudo-metaphysics".

What does he base these conclusions of? Nothing. He simply comes into contact with some idiot who claims to have debunked the Holy Light Miracle and who makes a snide remark to a priest who happened to be on the same flight.

Apparently, that is enough to characterize the priest as a "cult figure" on par with the anti-Orthodox moron. This logical fallacy is so great it doesn't even attempt to bother with a pretense of rationality. But such "logic" is the staple of leftist thought. They denounce religion and the religious for being irrational when they demonstrate that their own reasoning is bereft of rationality and logic.

(The Article Below Is Reproduced For Fair Use And Educational Purposes)

A miracle for the brain-dead

By Alexis Papachelas

I could see the person sitting next to me on the same flight had been anxious to tell me something for quite some time. In the end he explained he had written a book debunking the "holy light" miracle, instead explaining how it's generated by some chemical reaction. And he went on to say that the only person who ever dared to write about this before was Adamantios Korais.

Sure. It's always interesting to hear a different point of view during a flight. But my fellow traveler really took me by surprise when he told me that he was set to appear on Anna Drouza's show on NET state television that same day. He was also scheduled for an appearance on Terence Quick's program the following day.

A few rows ahead sat a tall priest who looked vaguely familiar. After the airplane had landed, my fellow passenger bumped into the priest. "Will you also appear on Drouza? It will be my pleasure to meet you again on a panel," the guy said in excitement.

The archimandrite and the writer of Biblical secrets belong to that particular breed of television duos. One claims that the holy light is, in fact, a genuine miracle while the other counters that it's just a marketing trick by the Jerusalem Patriarchate. Both represent a cult section of Greek society that is findings its way onto private TV channels. It used to be that characters like these appeared on second-rate channels after midnight when news junkies were looking for some goofy mind candy. Then mainstream channels started fishing for stars for their morning and midday programs. All of a sudden this world of conspiracy theories and absurd nationalism has entered our lives through TV's back door. Perhaps it may not mean much, as sensationalism has always been a good sell. Maybe it signals a near brain-dead society that is looking for release in the absurd and in pseudo-metaphysics.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Update On The 6th Grade History Book By CDRSEE

Golden Dawn has publicly admitted to an organized burning of the 6th Grade history book by CDRSEE, this past weekend. Here are their own words on their action from their online newspaper:

"Σήμερα 24 Μαρτίου του 2007 στην Αθήνα, στην διάρκεια της μαθητικής παρελάσεως, αγωνιστές της Χρυσής Αυγής έκαψαν το βιβλίο Ιστορίας της Στ’ Δημοτικού που έχει γράψει το μέλος του Συνασπισμού Μαρία Ρεπούση και που αρνείται να το αποσύρει η κυβέρνηση της Νέας Δημοκρατίας. Δεν ήταν η πρώτη φορά..."

Here follows my rought translation of Golden Dawn's words:

"Today 24th of March of 2007 in Athens, during student parades,fighters of Golden Dawn burned the history books of the 6th Grade that were written by a member of Synaspismos Maria Repousi and accepted by the ruling New Democracy party. This wasn't the first time...."

I was also told that a televised panel discussion on the 6th grade history book issue was broadcast on Greek television yesterday with Karatzaferis and a priest and two other guys, one of which was a member of Synaspismos. The Synaspismos guy was asking the priest if he denounced Golden Dawn's burning of the book and the priest said, "I am against the burning of ANY book". I think, then (or maybe later, I don't remember), Karatzaferis said that Georgiadis' ( a LAOS activist) bookstore has been burned seven times and Synaspismos has not denounced it once.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Greek Independence Day Celebration in Belgrade

Thank you to Knez_Nenad_Of_Serbia in Serb Hellenic Forums, it too brought tears to my eyes brother.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Greeks Flock to Jewish-Zionist '300' Movie During Lent

"The movie is so overly racist, so overflowing with vicious stereotype of Persians, as a dangerous, bestial force fatally threatening the civilized "free" world, that conveys an implicit acquiescence to the contemporary discourses of hatred espousing a `clash of civilizations.'
--Press Release From Iranian Mission To The UN

Despite the fact that this "Warner brothers" released movie, '300' ,based on American comic book writer Frank Miller's book on the Ancient Spartans, was released in Greece during the Great Lent , Greeks rejected Jesus Christ and their religious tradition and flocked to the movies, to break the record for ticket sales to this virtual orgy of blood , and sent a lot of money out of Greece and straight into the pockets of Jewish-Zionists in Hollywood.

The historical debate by critics is quite meaningless, since this is a form of entertainment , based on the fancies of an American comic book writer, regardless, movies depicting bloodshed, porn, etc etc and trips to such movies during Great Lent in such large numbers are a clear indication of the decadent debauchery of modern degenerate-Greeks and says a lot to the effect that many, many Greeks still suffer with the national identity crisis of identification with the pagan distant past, more than with the long evolution of Helleno-Orthodoxy, and that's just how the Judeo-West wants Greeks to be, once again heroic theocratic Iran dared to point the finger at the Jews who financed this movie , put it together and are getting rich off of this movie, with a lot of Greek money to boot--all to help the Jews and the pagan West demonise the courageous Iranian revolutionary theocracy.

Greek Filmgoers Ignore Critics of `300'
The Associated PressMonday, March 26, 2007; 4:33 PM

THERMOPYLAE, Greece -- Greece's critics hated "300," but moviegoers here are lining up to watch the gory recreation of the Battle of Thermopylae in record numbers _ happy to lap up the Hollywood thrills and take an indulgent view of what detractors call a butchery of their ancient history.

"The film was incredible on all counts. It's the first time I've heard a cinema audience clap at the end of a movie" said Nikos Mastoris, who owns a comic bookstore in Athens. "The photography, the music, and all the scenes are really brilliant. The movie is very faithful to the comic book."
Haris Antonopoulos of distributors Village Roadshow said ticket sales of "300" in Greece have topped the 1 million mark _ out of a population of 11 million _ and is on course to beat the record-setting "Loufa kai parallagi: Sirines sto Egeo," a movie about life as a Greek army conscript which sold 1.4 million tickets in 2005.

Savage Briton Murderers Back From Afghanistan Assault Greek In Cyprus

The TIMES of London reports that a pack of savage-drunken-Englishmen on "destress leave in Cyprus" on their military bases, of which some 99 square miles still exist in the Turk-occupied part of our island of Cyprus, went on to assault a simple Greek working man, and tried to steal his car:

Thousands of soldiers from Afghanistan and Iraq have passed through the British bases on Cyprus on their way home. They stay on the island for between 27 and 48 hours.

The taxi driver, Demetris Panayi, 58, claimed that the men assaulted him when he refused to take foreign currency and asked them to get out of his car.

“One of them grabbed me by the neck and the other began punching me,” he said. “The grip was so tight I thought my jaw was broken.”

My Greek friends in Cyprus have told me numerous similar stories of sever alcoholic violence by both English tourists and English soldier-occupiers in Cyprus, and how my Greek friends had to occasionally smash bottles on their English heads and beat the savages on the head with tree roots to defend their Nation's honor, I applaud my Greek friends in Cyprus. The English have no right to be in Cyprus , either as soldiers actively occupying one of our sacred homelands or on "destress leave in Cyprus" while occupying someone else's homeland, for too long the English have sailed around the world , and now fly around the world, forcing their savage and barbaric , deviant-Western so-called values on the rest of humanity.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

25th Of March: Holy and Glorious Day

Today is one of the most solemn days in the calendar of Greek Orthodox Christians and indeed of the Universe. I picked up a pamphlet at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in New York City last night when I attended vespers , officiated by Archibishop Dimitirios, the pamphlet is transcribed below, and simply has the title on the cover , ANNUNCIATION:


March 25

Of all the solemn days in Orthodoxy, the day of March 25 is one not only of religious significance but of political significance as well, allowing the Greek Orthodox to commemorate God's message
to Mary and the independence of Greece on the same day. The expression , "For God and Country," has real meaning for the Orthodox Greek on the 25th day of March, a day on which he can celebrate two events without diminishing either one for the obvious reason that devotion and patriotism have the same emotional root--love. If Christianity could be compressed into a single word, that word be love. The same holds true for patriotism.

The story on the ground of which the feast of the Annunciation has been instituted is found in the Gospel according to St. Luke, chap. 1:26-38. According to this famous narrative, six months after St. John the Baptist was conceived, the Archangel Gabriel visited the Virgin Mary and announced to her that she was going to conceive by the Holy Spirit and give birth to Jesus Christ. Another source which greatly influenced the iconographer and hymnology of the feast of the Annunciation is the apocryphal Gospel of James, VI.

Uppermost in the true Greek's mind on March25, however, is Mary, chosen from all the women in the world to be the Mother of Jesus Christ. When the angel Gabriel brought the momentous message from God this day, the gentle Mary must have felt a solemn pride, but at the same time a disquieting apprehension at the prospect of this awesome responsibility, assured by the Archangel, Mary's answer was simple" "Let it be according to the will of God," and the rest is glorious history.

When the feast of the Annunciation began to be established is not clear. St. Helen, the mother of Constantine the Great, built in Nazareth a Basilica which included a traditional small house of Mary in which she was visited by the angel. Yet, we have no evidence of the feast until the 7th century. In an Easter Chronicle (624) the feast of the Annunciation is mentioned as being celebrated on March 25. Obviously, the feast must have been celebrated for a long time before that because, although we have no evidence, it could not have been instituted from one year to another. When finally the feast of the Nativity was detached from the feast of the Epiphany on January 6 and was moved to the 25th of December, the feast of the Annunciation was fixed, as expected, to be celebrated on March 25th, nine months before the Nativity.

But March the 25th always falls within the Great Lent before Easter during which, by ancient practice, no feast was allowed to be celebrated, the Great Lent considered to be a period of preparation and mourning for the coming Passion of Christ.

The world of Mary of two thousand years ago is envisioned as one in which life was simple and free of the complexities that plague the modern world, but in the age of self-sufficiency there were problems which would be insurmountable today. The mother of that day was all things to her family, and it can safely be said that when the archangel Gabriel departed, the prospective Mother of God must have for several moments felt terribly alone. Everyone knows about the nativity and the mission of Jesus Christ, but the details of the days, months, and years in between are known to Mary and to God.

For the Greek Orthodox Church and her people, March the 25th also marks an anniversary of great importance, the commemorating of the liberation of the Greek nation from a four hundred-year Turkish slavery. Bishop Germanos raised the flag of liberation in the Peloponnese on the day of the Annunciation--the one day above all that marks the beginning of man's salvation--thus connecting it with the beginning of a hard and long struggle for national independence, for the Orthodox Church both the day of Annunciation and the day of their national liberation happen to fall on a time of natural regeneration. Hence, the joy associated with both feasts bears deep and personal relevance for the Greek Orthodox, marking as it does in the regions of the Eastern Church the beginning of a new seasonal year. Characteristic of the joyful importance of the Annunciation is the fact that even by the most sever Monastic Directories people are allowed to take fish on that day, contrary to the strict rule that meat and fish are disallowed during Great Lent.

If there is a majic number it is 25--the day of Annunciation and of Greek Independence in March of every year until the end of time.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Thankyou To All Starbucks Customers

A well circulated letter based on Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz's own words. Starbucks is,no doubt, one of the most criminally Zionist corporations on the Globe, think about that next time you want to pay a high price to suck down burnt-tasting, below premium quality coffee , every penny or Euro cent you put into Starbucks may be spent on the bloody occupation and oppression of Orthodox Christians and holy places in the Middle East, by Jewish-Zionists.

Dora Bakoyiannis And "Greek-Turkish" Relations

Dora is a frequent visitor to the USA, friends and comrades have seen her in Georgetown University, in Columbia University , just yesterday she was in the White House speaking to US Secretary of State Rice on Greek-Turkish relations. Some may wonder what brings her to the USA so much? Considering all the turmoil her party has launched in Greece by introducing Greek history textbooks rewritten by Jew and American financed NGOs, her hard work on building a solid Muslim ghetto in Greece by hiring hundreds of permanent Koran teachers with Greek funding, and the introduction of a US-style monetary loan system for Greek college students ,all the while Dora spends most of the year in the USA. Can her USA counterpart say the same?

Well , the real reason why Dora is here , in the USA so much, besides the money from lobbyists, is to lend support to her spoiled brat son in Harvard University. Yes, a reader of ours in Harvard University, tells us that Dora's little poustaki is always palling around with GUL'S ( the Turkish Foreign Minister's ) kid.....Isn't that so f***k'in special? How quaint.

Soros NGO (CDRSEE) Rewrites History

I came across a dated news article from The Christian Science Monitor on Yahoo News, and since Yahoo News tends to delete their articles after a set period of time, I chose to reproduce it below for posterity.

The Western media even admits that the American-funded and Soros funded NGO , (CDRSEE) Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe is basically rewriting so that "balkan" people "learn" to get along, of course, this rewriting of history would never apply to the people this really is coming from , Jews and Jewish-Zionists. The article does mention funding for this NGO is falling, probably because the Jew Soros is finally moving his "open society" to Bolivia to work on quelling anything like the anti-Semitic Chavez Leadership from growing, in any case, the Poisonous Mushroom of NGOs and progressive thinking has already been planted in Greece and other places in Eastern Europe.

I'm very impressed that according to this article the Serbs resisted the historical rewrite of their history, "The Serbian government originally supported the CDRSEE's books, and the minister of education appeared at their national launch. But after critics accused the books – and their editor – of being anti-Serbian, the government withdrew its support"

(The Article Below Is Reproduced For Fair Use And Educational Purposes)

To avoid 'us vs. them' in Balkans, rewrite history
By Nicole Itano, Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
Wed Mar 14, 4:00 AM ET

ATHENS - The year was 1453. Ottoman troops under Sultan Mehmed II captured the Byzantine city of Constantinople – present-day Istanbul – and changed the region forever.

Ask a Greek student of history, and you'll likely hear of the event as the tragic fall of a great Christian city. Ask a Turk, and you'll probably hear of the glorious conquest for a rising Muslim empire.

In this still-fragile region, history is often served up as a nationalistic tale that highlights the wrongs perpetrated by others. Now a group of historians from across the region is trying to change the way the past is taught in southeast Europe – from Croatia to Turkey – in an effort to encourage reconciliation rather than division.

"History plays an important role in shaping national identity," said Christina Koulouri, the editor of a series of new history textbooks and a professor of history at the University of the Peloponnese in Greece. "We want to change history teaching because we are concerned about the joint future of the Balkans and we think mutual understanding can be promoted through better history teaching."

More than 60 scholars and teachers from around the Balkans have joined to create a new series of history books that tackle some of the most controversial periods in the region. The books, which are being translated into 10 regional languages, present history from various perspectives and excerpt historical documents to challenge interpretations of key events like the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople.

Most students, Ms. Koulouri says, know little about their neighbors, despite the region's intertwined past and the relative youth of most of the countries that exist today. Schools typically use government-issued texts in which wars – and there have been many in the region over the centuries – are portrayed in "us versus them" terms with ancient wrongs visited again and again.

The Joint History Project, run by the Greek-based Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (CDRSEE), has translated the books into Greek, Serbian, and Albanian, and has begun training teachers how to use them.

Dubravka Stojanovic, a professor of history at the University of Belgrade, has witnessed first hand how history is used for political means. Under Slobodan Milosevic, the country's textbooks were changed in 1993, during the Bosnian war.

"The aim of that change was to show that the peoples in ex-Yugoslavia lived in constant conflict since the 12th century or so," she says. "The intention was to show that the war was something normal; that it was the normal state of things for Serbians and Croats to hate each other."

Now, says Dr. Stojanovic, who is editor of the Serbian editions of the series and who helped organize some of the first teacher-training efforts in Serbia, the texts are being changed again, this time to vilify communists.

Government support withdrawn
The Serbian government originally supported the CDRSEE's books, and the minister of education appeared at their national launch. But
after critics accused the books – and their editor – of being anti-Serbian, the government withdrew its support.

Stojanovic and others are now waiting to see what will happen when a new government is formed, a process that has stalled as political parties negotiate new coalitions in the wake of recent elections.

For organizers, though, the project is not just a matter of putting better books into teachers' hands. It requires them to begin teaching in an entirely new way.

Across much of the region, history is taught largely as a series of facts that students are expected to memorize and regurgitate. The joint history project wants students to analyze the past for themselves. With its focus on cultural and social history, it tries to humanize groups who may have often been thought of as enemies.

"We also like to include children and women in history, not just soldiers and politicians and big men," explains Koulouri. "We try to show that these experiences are not exclusive to one nation."

Not everyone is ready to listen to that perspective. In Greece, a debate is raging over a new history textbook for 12-year-olds, which some groups accuse of softening the atrocities of the Ottoman Empire. The powerful Greek Orthodox Church and nationalist groups want the book removed and say that the CDRSEE's books – which have been approved but are not the official curriculum – are guilty of the same sins.

Waning interest in region hurts funding
One of the project's biggest barriers is finding funding to complete translation into the region's remaining languages and providing enough training. Nenad Sebek, CDRSEE's director, estimates that it needs an additional $1 million in funding. But, she says, donors are losing interest in the region, even though many of its conflicts still simmer: Cyprus remains divided; Kosovo's final status is still uncertain; and tensions occasionally flare between Greece and Turkey, who are both members of NATO but share a land-mined border.

"The international interest, specifically the American interest, has shifted elsewhere," he says. "It's too early for the donors to pull out.... All you need to do is look at Kosovo, or even Bosnia."

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Greek Political Establisment Perverts Hellenic History

Remember our Protesting Letter Against the Falsification of Hellenic History OVERVIEW OF THE 6TH GRADE HISTORY BOOK AND THE FOUR BOOKS OF JOINT BALKAN HISTORY OF CDRSEE?

Well, this Monday, the matter was finally brought to the attention of the Archbishop of the Church of Greece, Archbishop Christodoulos, and the media, many months after the issuance of this fanatically biased anti-Hellenic book masquerading as "a work of science" , has finally put their spotlight on this book , all thanks to the loud voice of our blessed Archbishop Christodoulos who all ALONE shined light on this book and its glaring lies, and thereby shamed the media in Greece to FINALLY shine light on this, DESPOTA (with our help) exposed the charlatans. The chicanery of bloodsuckers occupying our Fatherland ,for money moreover, and also for the sake of the foreigners who wish to assault our historical memory.

Many thanks, to the Macedonian and Pontian groups of the diaspora and to the very few activists on the web who , without pay, and often without thanks, helped to bring this matter to the attention of the people , who are purposely blinded by the Greek ruling class of politicos and media owners. Indeed the net , and small efforts such as a petition and letter writing , or email writing, are effective, and I can only pray that more and more of our people vigilantly shine light onto the dark machinations of the corrupt, Greek political establishment and its minion media ,think tanks and NGOs , who,apparently, seek to enslave us, through their attempts to surgically lobotomise our historical memory.

Despite the shocking inaccuracies and falsehoods of the current 6th Grade history book in Greece, the Greek political establishment still refuses to pull the book, and its media paints this as a mere dispute orchestrated by regional diaspora groups, namely Pontian groups, and by church leaders...



We must break the rusty chains of our enslavement, and this will never happen , unless this book gets sliced, diced and tossed into the proverbial pyre.

New Book On Communist PAIDOMAZOMA

Dr. Niki Karavasilis is coming back with another fantastic book about the Greek Civil War (1946-1949 )


The Abducted Greek Children of the Communists: Paidomazoma is a true and emotional story about the 28,000 children who were abducted by the Greek Communist rebels during the Greek Civil War from 1946 to 1949 and were scattered behind the Iron Curtain. It is the devastating story of a twelve-year-old abducted girl, Dora, her struggles, horror, and loneliness in Yugoslavia. Her fate was to spend thirty-three years behind the Iron Curtain, away from her widowed mother, who lived in Greece. Dora’s life encompasses the sufferings of the thousands of the abducted children who lived as refugees in an unknown world of starvation and deprivation dipped into Communism.

It is the story of Maro, Dora’s mother, who never stopped searching for her daughter until her last breath of air. She spent years of disappointment with the end result not to see her daughter again. Maro’s struggles are as extensive as Dora’s — two human beings trying to be reunited but never reaching their goal.

This book offers a glimpse of the many layers of the abducted children’s sufferings. The author follows the historical and political synopsis with a glimpse into Dora’s life that brings the historical reference to life. This provides the reader with a framework that promotes understanding of her struggles.

The story is heartbreaking — but uplifting. It is one of triumph and tragedy. It is one that follows a young, innocent girl through the depths of hell behind the Iron Curtain and sees her out the other side, returning to Greece in her late sixties.


Dr. Niki Karavasilis, a professor of foreign languages, was born in Greece and educated in the United States. Fluent in many languages, she taught for thirty-five years at high school and college levels in Athens, Greece, and at several universities in New England. She was founder of the workshops in New Hampshire: In Search of Excellence in Teaching Foreign Languages. A member of numerous honor societies, she was selected for Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the East for her outstanding achievements in the teaching profession. She was commended for her efforts in promoting the study of foreign languages by the Council General of Spain in Boston, Andres Drake, and also received an honorable letter from President Reagan for helping high school students.

Dr. Niki Karavasilis is also the author of Scattered Leaves, which is about the many Greek families who suffered during the devastation of the Italian and German invasions and Civil War of 1946-1949. It was the book of the month: May 2004 by and received many awards.

To order the book, follow this link:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How I Adore Nationalist Women

BERLIN -- German prosecutors on Tuesday charged a lawyer (Sylvia Stolz, pictured left)for far-right activist Ernst Zündel with incitement, accusing her of denying the Holocaust and ending one of her legal filings with the words "Heil Hitler."
It's so rare in these trying times to find a woman who dares to defend her Fatherland and her genetic or biological community of people. Regardless of tribe or religion, I must admit that I adore such women. The beauty that I sought in women was in their soul and not so much in the clinical appeal of the West designed by Jewish publishers and media giants and sadistic faggots in the fashion industry. I adore women who fight for what's right, who fight for their Fatherland, to the very end, as I said earlier here, "What would a real man rather love? A woman who is a money grubbing whore that flashes her goodies to any passer-bys, like the typical modern,Westernised Greek woman--or a woman who would die defending God and Country? True love." Yes, I also have a soft spot in my heart for Muslim women who become Nationalistic Freedom Fighters , and , indeed, for any woman who defends her people from the Traditional Enemy, Sylvia Stolz, I have a crush on you.
I will write to Sylvia in prison, and implore Nationalists everywhere to lend her moral support, you can contact her through The Zundelsite.

Whatever Jew Lobby Wants, Jew Lobby Gets

The prestigious magazine,The Economist, published an analysis of AIPAC's immense influence, I reproduce this quote which is from a reproduction of that Economist analysis archived on David Irving's site:

"The biggest challenge facing AIPAC is how to deal with this changing climate. Its members have been admirably honest about their mission in life. They boast about passing more than a hundred bits of pro-Israel legislation a year."

WOW! As far as I know , the "Greek lobby" has not succesfully passed not even ONE pro-Cyprus legislation in more than 30 years, and the Jews in AIPAC can boast of more than A HUNDRED A YEAR pro-Israel legislations!!

WOW! That's power.I guess that's how American democracy operates....

If they also want a war, they get one or two, first Iraq, then Iran, last decade it was Serbia, anything Jew wants,Jew gets:

Jewish Lobby clears way for war with Iran

AIPAC backed removal of Iran war provision
Jewish Telegraphic Agency Wednesday, 14 March 2007

WASHINGTON — AIPAC lobbying helped remove a provision from a bill that would have required President Bush to seek congressional approval for war against Iran. A number of congressional sources confirmed that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee backed dropping the provision from the Iraq war spending bill introduced Tuesday by Democrats. The bill ties funding to deadlines for withdrawal from Iraq.

AIPAC and a number of Democrats close to Israel said the provision would have hampered the president as he attempted to leverage Iran into backing down from its alleged nuclear weapon plans. Others said the provision simply reasserted the constitutional role of the U.S. Congress in declaring war that is believed to have been eroded by Bush during the Iraq war.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Albanian Terrorist Calls For "Death" In Greece

We've come across a video on YouTube that is part of an Albanian Terrorist group affiliated , apparently, with the Greek-based Anarchist faction "antifa", this Albanian group calls itself "Gate 32" or "Gate 32 tv" or "Gate 32 Antifa"

In this video, the spokesperson wearing a necklace of brass knuckles makes open calls for death to Greeks, in both English and Albanian-accented Greek, which leaves us with the impression that he is living in Greece, or has lived extensively in Greece. In this other video "Gate 32" has imagery from the UCK or KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) , that includes a photo of a decapitated man with red headlines saying that this is a "Greek Fascist's head" We are not sure if this decapitated man is indeed Greek or one of the many Serbs the Albanians and their other Muslim allies in terrorism decapitated in Serbian homelands.

That the spokesperson of this "Gate 32" group is interchangeably affiliated with the Greek-based Anarchist faction "antifa" confirms the suspicions of many observers that Albanians not only randomly participate in the violent Anarchist attacks on Greece and the Greek people by the Anarchists in riots and general looting, but that there is,indeed, a link between established and well financed Albanian terrorist groups based abroad and Greek-based Anarchists.

Not long ago the Greek government itself finally admitted that links between Albanian terrorist groups and leftist terrorist groups exist.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Israeli And American Rescue Teams For Politicans During Times Of Nationalist Revolution

For several months now Hungary has been experiencing a Nationalist Uprising in the streets against the heavy Jewish and globalist rule (Soros has long used the Hungarian capital as a headquarters for his criminal activities in Eastern Europe) of this troubled country. I remember as far back as the 1990s when I was a scruffy backpacking traveller, I sat amazed in the Budapest airport at the many Jews and the many Israeli flights to and from Hungary, complete with uniformed Israeli Uzi machine gun-toting guards patrolling the airport. It's no wonder that Hungary has also for years been a major source of porn industry talent for the Jewish trade in white women and their demonic depictions in various modern mediums.

Anyway, the latest developments of the presence of some 200 Israeli soldiers in Hungary has been reported by David Irving's Action Report as well as by the astute news agency Al-Jazeera:

200 Israeli solders in their standard blue uniforms as a “military delegation” arrived in four buses - windows covered – to the center of Budapest to a huge city block sized synagogue

The general population is at the point of open rebellion in larger and larger proportions. Average income and the standard of life is rapidly decreasing while taxes, prices and fees are increasing.

George Soros finds that the place is unstable for investments; he started to operate in Bolivia where the locals broke out in a revolt against him and his clan.The locals claim at open public meetings that Soros is buying up land and natural resources.

We did have a similar event: A few days before the 23rd of October (last year) a U.S. military transporter with a few hundred soldiers and what else was parked in a corner at the Budapest airport. It was obvious that they were their in preparation to help to emigrate our beloved Prime Minister, Mr. Gyurcsany and his family either to the U.S. or Israel, in case if the need suddenly arrives.

This level of chaos and suffering and open revolt is a natural process in the many countries where the Jews have gone too far with their oppressive Jewish superiority hubris, and indeed they(the Jews) are preparing for flight. Considering the intense Jewish enslavement of the Hungarian people its a wonder this uprising took so long, I was always amazed at how Hungarians deal with the fact that their women are well known internationally for being sex slaves to Jews., brushing it off as a sad consequence of the Hungarian general propensity for morbid , oblivion-driven alcoholism. In any case, I wish these poor guys luck in their liberation struggle.

I wonder how many more depredations we, the Greeks, must face, before the people take to the streets? And I can only imagine that hundreds of Israelis will likely show up to whisk away our Jewish political families, such as Simitis and Papandreou,finally. And American troops helping our Dora Bakoyiannis' and Karamanlis' etc etc. Who will show up for our Greek "Gay Nationalist" Georgios Karatzaferis, a battalion of Rainbow-flag flying Frenchmen? Will the Cubans show up for KKE? Or will the Israelis just handle their departure as well?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Message From A Jewish Convert To Greek Orthodox Christianity

I just recently stumbled onto this Christmas Greeting from Russian-Israeli scholar and journalist Israel Shamir, and I wish to share it, because it reveals yet another reason why Jews fear us,us Orthodox Christian Nationalists and moreover the possibility of an Orthodox Christian Nationalist Revolution and an Orthodox Christian Nationalist state, much more than they fear legions of Muslims, because Greek Orthodox Christianity boldly holds and defends TRUTH:

Christmas Greetings to Hellenes
By Israel Shamir

In this season of short days and long nights, the Greeks like their Palestinian Orthodox Christian brothers turn their thoughts - not to neutral 'shopping season', like Americans, not to Lapland, like the West Europeans, but to a small town of Bethlehem in Palestine, where the most profound miracle took place and Eternal Logos was born as the Son of Man; where the great Church of Nativity still stands, and the Greek and Palestinian priests sing their beautiful akathists to Our Lady Theotokos and to Her Blessed Son, for Greece is forever united with the Holy Land. The Hellenes and the Palestinians together formed the first Mother Church, they were among the first apostles, and while Our Lady was a Palestinian, the words of Gospel were written in immortal Greek. For two thousand years the Greeks and the Palestinians belonged to one state, whether it was called the Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantium or the Ottoman Empire. Blood of Greeks still flows in the veins of Palestinians together with blood of Jews and Arabs, and we are united by the common faith.

I write to you as a member of your Sister Church, a member of the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, for though born a Jew, by Grace of Christ I was baptised in its wonderful ancient cathedral of Mar Yakoub, the old see of St James, the brother of Lord and the first Bishop of Jerusalem. It is adjacent to the Golgotha and to the great Church of Resurrection, and it is the home church of local Arab-speaking Palestinian Orthodox community. I was baptized in the old deep octagonal Byzantine font so many saints and bishops of the Holy City were baptized in. My skin still feels the touch of olive oil and myrrh, soft, supple, fragrant, though it was more than a year ago. Since then, I celebrate with you and with all Orthodox Christians our marvellous feasts; Epiphany on the shores of Jordan River, Annunciation in Nazareth, Easter in the Holy Sepulchre, Ascension on the Mount of Olives, Transfiguration on Mt Thabor, Dormition in Kedron Valley, and Nativity in Bethlehem.

The Holy Land is still Christian - in the Judean Desert, the Great Laura of St Sabas guards the steep ravine of Wadi al-Nar, the Valley of Fire. Not far away, in St Theodosius Monastery, the tomb of the great Greek Palestinian writer and monk John Moschos, creator of The Spiritual Meadow, is still venerated. Greek monks worship in St George Laura built at the cave where Joachim fasted forty days and Elijah was fed by ravens. Memory of Origen and Eusebius still lingers in Caesarea.

Despite all hardship, worshippers do not desert the churches of the Holy Land. Bethlehem and Nazareth, Taybeh and Rami, Kana of Galilee, Jaffa and Lydda, Jifna and Bir Zeit, many other villages and towns remain staunchly Christian. They withstand the relentless pressure of the Jewish State, the sieges, persecutions and discrimination. Native Palestinian Christians, sons of Apostles, are the backbone of the community, and recently they were joined by thousands of Russians who immigrated into the Holy Land and now flock into churches.

However, not everything is fine in the Orthodox Church: while the Catholics have a Palestinian bishop ("Patriarch") and a new bishop for the converts from Jews, in the Greek Orthodox Church there is but one Palestinian out of twenty members of Synod. While the laity is Palestinian, clergy is solidly Greek. While there is no Palestinian neither Hellene in Christ, such situation is not healthy and not realistic. Indeed, in 19th century all Palestinian Christians were Orthodox, but since then the numbers of Catholics and Protestants grew at the expense of the Orthodox Church. The Palestinian Christians feel that they have no chance for ministry in their Mother-Church. Even worse, the Orthodox clergy feels its vulnerability and hardly participates in joint actions with other churches on behalf of the besieged Palestinians. These actions are often led by Catholics and smaller churches, while the deserved place of the largest Christian denomination, the Orthodox one, remains vacant.

The Orthodox Church does not try to serve the growing Christian Hebrew-speaking community, either. Many Israeli Jews experience abundant Grace of Christ in His Land and turn to Church while rejecting the Synagogue. They go to the Catholics, or even to plentiful Evangelical churches, for they do not know of the Greek Orthodox Church. It is a source of great regret, for a few reasons. The Jews are forever fighting Christ and the Church; there is no chance for peace in the Holy Land unless the position of the Synagogue is undermined and the Jews saved by the Church.

The Orthodox Church is the only Church that still keeps fire of Apostles; thanks to labours of St Basil, St Gregory and St John Chrysostom, she possesses theology able to undo the Jewish paradigm as no one else. Other churches, even the Catholic Church after the Vatican II, accepted unacceptable demands of the Jews and agreed to the conditions once rejected by St Paul. They agreed to the idea of Two Covenants, as if the Old Covenant is not the same as the New Covenant. Thus they came to the weird idea of Two Chosen Peoples - Israel of flesh and the Church. The Orthodox Church is still safe from this dangerous heresy. Only the Orthodox Church can offer true salvation to the Jews escaping their supremacist creed. And now, when thousands of Jews try to come to Christ, the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem does not make a sufficient effort to bring them in.

The Laws of the Jewish state forbid evangelising, but so did the laws of Tiberius, Nero and Domician, and it did not stop the first messengers of the Good News. There should be an effort to help the Israeli Jews to reach salvation. It can't be separated from the question of Palestinian clergy, for the Palestinian clergy can show the Israelis that the way of the Church is also the true path to peace.

The Greek leadership probably will be needed for a time in the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Land, but if we want this most important church to survive it should promote the Native Palestinian Christians to high positions. Otherwise, sooner or later a schism in this Church is inevitable; and it can end like it did in Antioch, where the Greek clergy was summarily expelled. In order to sustain very important and needed positions of the Greek scholars and divines, they must be induced to share. Whoever wants to have everything, will have nothing; one who shares will see his share growing.

It is not a theoretical question. Father Theodosius Attalla Hanna, the dean of St James Cathedral in Jerusalem, is a much venerated Palestinian Orthodox priest, man of great learning and eloquence, a native of Rami in Galilee. He enjoys great love and support of the Orthodox Palestinians. He should be elevated a Bishop and a member of Synod, if we want the Church to flourish. There is an urgent need for seminary for native Palestinian Christians, as well as for Russian and Israeli Orthodox communities.

The war in the Holy Land has a theological dimension, and it reaches the ends of the world. Indeed, the dangerous and evil creed of 'Christian Zionism' is a Judaising tendency and a result of theological ignorance. The Hellenes can't wash off their hands: you must make a consistent effort to correct the faults of the Greek Church in the Holy Land.

I write it with great love to you, our Greek brothers and sisters. Please let this neophyte remind you that the Orthodox faith is not a small parochial creed but the main road of Christendom. It is now embraced by millions of Russians; thousands of Catholics in France and in the US, disappointed by Judaising heresy of Vatican II, also look up to the Orthodox Church. While Judaisers support the New World Order, the Orthodox Church remains steadfast in following the creed of Apostles with its promise to the poor and downtrodden. In Russia, the strongest voices against American hegemony are those of the Orthodox philosophers Alexander Dugin and Alexander Panarin. For new flourishing of the Church, we have to attend to its Palestinian roots, for a church without worshippers is just an empty building.

The Greeks have an important mission in the Holy Land, and it can be fulfilled by providing place for the native Christians in its hierarchy. Let it happen in the AD 2004!

Israel Adam Shamir


News From CODOH (Committee For Open Debate On The Holocaust)

ThoughtCrime: 03/15/07

Germar Rudolf sentenced to 30 months in prison

Leading revisionist scholar Germar Rudolf, author of the Rudolf Report; Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz has been sentenced to 30 months imprisonment by a court in Mannheim, Germany. Rudolf, who is married to an American citizen was deported last year from the United States to Germany where he was charged with "incitement to racial hatred." Rudolf has written and edited several books on the Holocaust. An anthology that he edited, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (Dissecting the Holocaust) was ordered burned by a German judge.

The treatment of this German scholar by the government of Germany is an indictment of that country for flagrant human rights abuses. Rudolf's sentence is also a clear demonstration of the need for repeal of all "Holocaust denial" laws throughout Europe.

"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death
George Orwell


From : Nick Larigakis, AHI Executive Director
Date : March 14, 2007

1. TO COSPONSOR H.R. 1456 (

2. TO COSPONSOR S. 695 (


1. House Bill H.R. 1456 ( House Version of American-Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Claims Act)

On March 9, 2007, Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) reintroduced bipartisan legislation- the American-Owned Property In Occupied Cyprus Claims Act, H.R. 1456.

This bill will enable U.S. citizens who own property in the Turkish occupied territory of the Republic of Cyprus to seek financial remedies with either the current inhabitants of their land or the Turkish government.

The following 16 cosponsors for H.R. 1456 are Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Frank Lobiondo (R-NJ), Mike Rogers (R-AL), James McGovern (D-MA), Michael McNulty (D-NY), Illeana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), John Sarbanes (D-MD), Zachary Space (D-OH), Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), Don Payne (D-NJ), Shelley Berkeley (D-NV), Diane Watson (D-CA), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), and Henry Brown, Jr. (R-SC).

This bill will allow American nationals to seek financial remedies regarding their property through the following methods:

1. The bill authorizes the President to initiate a claims program under which the claims of U.S. nationals who Turkey has excluded from their property in occupied Cyprus can be judged by the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (FCSC) and compensated through government-to-government negotiations between the United States and Turkey.

2. The bill empowers the United States district courts to hear causes of action asserted by U.S. nationals who have been excluded from their property in occupied Cyprus against private persons or entities that occupy or use the property of U.S. nationals in occupied Cyprus.

3. The bill empowers the United States district courts to hear causes of action asserted by U.S. nationals who have been excluded from their property in occupied Cyprus against Turkey without having to assert those causes of action under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 as amended.

American Hellenic Institute urges you to contact your congressman to
cosponsor and support H.R. 1456.

B. Senate Bill S. 695 ( Senate Version of American-Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Claims Act)

On February 27, 2007, Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) reintroduced bipartisan legislation- the American-Owned Property In Occupied Cyprus Claims Act, S. 695. Joining Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) cosponsored S. 695.

This bill will enable U.S. citizens who own property in the Turkish occupied territory of the Republic of Cyprus to seek financial remedies with either the current inhabitants of their land or the Turkish government.


1. To cosponsor H.R. 1456
2. To cosponsor S. 695

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Anti-Greek "Orthodox" Fronts

I just discovered on the informative that all the hierarchy of the heretical OCA (Orthodox Church In America) are under investigation by the FBI. Scary stuff, now it makes sense that a Greek Orthodox friend who was sucked in by one of the 'churches' associated with this OCA cult had so many rumours spread around about him after he chose to return to the truth of Greek Orthodoxy . It seems that my Greek Orthodox friend, knows about the newly renovated and expensive beautiful new kitchen and marble floors of a certain OCA "priest's" church residence , well hidden from the duped OCA followers. The current head of the OCA , Metropolitan Herman, seems to also be under the investigation by the FBI, and I wonder if his stock portfolio manager and a certain "priest" who spread rumours about my Greek Orthodox friend is also under investigation by the FBI? H'mmm , spooky.

Be careful of corrupt cults masquerading as Orthodox, usually these groups are formed with the cooperation of Greek Haters seeking to suck in Greek Orthodox faithful and promote an anti-Greek hate agenda.

It reminds me of the non-Canonical Turkish Orthodox Church, the leader of this group recently died, the group's purpose was , according the Turkish lobby newspaper Turkish Times, to promote Turkish nationalism:

"Erenerol, who became patriarch of the Turkish church in 1991, was sometimes nicknamed the "patriarch without a community" as the church had few followers. However, it held several Orthodox churches in Istanbul- making it the center of a property dispute with the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Erenerol's church, founded by his father Papa Eftim, sharply denounced any links to its Greek heritage, conducted its liturgies in Turkish, and quickly won favor in the Turkish Republic formed from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire in 1923."

Papa Eftim incidentally also played a key pivotal role in the September 1955 pogrom against Greeks in Constantinople, according to Constantinople Greek pogrom survivor memoir "The Miracle"by Leonidas Koumakis, Papa Eftim was also a Turkish agent, another Anti-Greek "Orthodox" Front.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Anti-Greek Hate Group Known as "the General Secretariat for the Younger Generation" Kicks Off "Anti-Racism" Festival In Athens

I stumbled across this communist heavy "festival" in Athens's Syndagma Square a few years back, due to the loud cacophonous blare of American "gangsta niggah" rap blaring from stereo speakers in order to draw a crowd, and quite a few modern Greek sluts were drawn to watch a typical monkey show anyone in New York City's Times Square subway station can catch on late nights. I guess this is cultural American imperialism , commie style.

Turks See Rift Between Their Greekling Vassal ,Dora Bakoyiannis, And Cyprus Leader Tassos Papadopoulos

The quasi governmental Turkish Daily News reports that Dora Bakoyiannis purposely avoided Cyprus Leader Tassos Papadopoulos on his recent visit to Athens, and notes a rift between Cyprus and Athens, due to the fanatically pro-Turkish policies of Dora Bakoyiannis. Not too long ago it was reported here that the Athens political establishment has conspired to topple Tasso Papadopoulos over, due to his defensive posture vis-a-vis the Turk.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Simon Wiesenthal ( or Weasal-Thal) Center Convicted of Defamation

European Jewish Press
The Paris-based Simon Wiesenthal Center has been convicted of defamation by a Paris court last Thursday for accusing a French-based group of financing Palestinian militants. The Committee for Charity and Support for the Palestinians (CBSP) filed suit against the centre's head of international relations, Shimon Samuels, after he claimed it finances terrorism and sent funds in support of the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

THIS SAME Shimon Samuels has been the originator of loads of press releases ringing with alarmist warnings about Greece's alleged anti-Semitism

The Wiesenthal (or Weasal-Thal) Center has a long legacy of chicanery, time to revisit an article by Mark Weber, head of the Holocaust Revisionist IHR (Institute of Historical Review)

The Simon Wiesenthal Center:A Bastion of Jewish-Zionist Power

Mark Weber

Since its founding in 1977, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has grown to become one of the most important and influential Jewish organizations in the world. ... Although it calls itself "an international Jewish human rights organization dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust fostering tolerance and understanding," the Center in reality is a propaganda agency whose agenda is to further Jewish-Zionist interests... The Wiesenthal Center has a long record of reckless propaganda for war. Long before the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003, it had been pressing for an American attack against the Middle East nation, backing its effort with alarmist "Big Lie" claims about the supposed danger posed by the Baghdad regime.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Anti-Greek Hate Videos On YouTube

Greek Alert blog has amassed a list of over 70 anti-Greek hate videos circulating on YouTube, showcasing one promoting Skopjian claims to Macedonia with a burning Greek flag, highlighted with the words "FUCK GREECE" , they ask that you view the videos and you send any other offensive anti-Greek hate videos circulating on the web to, so that we may make our case of the existence of anti-Greek hate, apparently coming from our Turkish "friends".

Message From Hellenic Nationalist Comrade: Greece and the ITF

I recently discovered that Greece maintains a liaison relationship with the the "Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research" (ITF), an organization in which member states are obligated to commit themselves to the "Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust" and to its implementation. Romania is, as far as I know, the only other Orthodox country that is associated with it. (Romania is a full member.)

Here follows the text of the "Declaration of the Stockholm
International Forum on the Holocaust" (link:

---Begin Text---

Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust

We, High Representatives of Governments at the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, declare that:

1. The Holocaust (Shoah) fundamentally challenged the foundations of civilization. The unprecedented character of the Holocaust will always hold universal meaning. After half a century, it remains an event close enough in time that survivors can still bear witness to the horrors that engulfed the Jewish people. The terrible suffering of the many millions of other victims of the Nazis has left an indelible scar across Europe as well.

2. The magnitude of the Holocaust, planned and carried out by the Nazis, must be forever seared in our collective memory. The selfless sacrifices of those who defied the Nazis, and sometimes gave their own lives to protect or rescue the Holocaust's victims, must also be inscribed in our hearts. The depths of that horror, and the heights of their heroism, can be touchstones in our understanding of the human capacity for evil and for good.

3. With humanity still scarred by genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, anti-semitism and xenophobia, the international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils. Together we must uphold the terrible truth of the Holocaust against those who deny it. We must strengthen the moral commitment of our peoples, and the political commitment of our governments, to ensure that future generations can understand the causes of the Holocaust and reflect upon its consequences.

4. We pledge to strengthen our efforts to promote education, remembrance and research about the Holocaust, both in those of our countries that have already done much and those that choose to join this effort.

5. We share a commitment to encourage the study of the Holocaust in all its dimensions. We will promote education about the Holocaust in our schools and universities, in our communities and encourage it in other institutions.

6. We share a commitment to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and to honour those who stood against it. We will encourage appropriate forms of Holocaust remembrance, including an annual Day of Holocaust Remembrance, in our countries.

7. We share a commitment to throw light on the still obscured shadows of the Holocaust. We will take all necessary steps to facilitate the opening of archives in order to ensure that all documents bearing on the Holocaust are available to researchers.

8. It is appropriate that this, the first major international conference of the new millennium, declares its commitment to plant the seeds of a better future amidst the soil of a bitter past. We empathize with the victims' suffering and draw inspiration from their struggle. Our commitment must be to rememember the victims who perished, respect the survivors still with us, and reaffirm humanity's common aspiration for mutual understanding and justice.

---End Text---

That Greece is in any way associated with this organization and its insane declarations which serve only to legitimize the dubious historical event known as the Jewish "Holocaust" and strengthen Jewish supremacism around the world is extremely disturbing and indicates that Greece is in great danger of becoming as subservient to International Jewry as the West.



Whilst, I disagree with Union, which would make Greeks a minority, the idea of pan-Orthodox Alliances, especially with nuclear and biological wmd powers, in a Orthodox Nationalist super bloc would make the Judeo-West tremble, a vast realm ruled by Orthodox Christian Canon law, no doubt the usual faggots will denounce it as an Orthodox Taliban, but in reality their name calling will be futile , since they will never be able to bomb our "Nuclear club", hats off to the comrades in the Serb Hellenic Forums for daring to dream.

Message From A Thoughtful reader On Italian Barbarism

Ey, this is EOKA ASSASSIN, from your blog.
Happened to come across this.
thought since you mention abortion on your blog alot, thought this may interest ya to put on your blog if you want.
This is pretty shocking.
Girl Suffers Forced Abortion in Italy
Minors have no "right to choose" life in Catholic nation

By Peter J. Smith

TURIN, Italy, February 19, 2007 ( - An Italian judge ordered a 13 year-old girl to undergo an abortion, despite the girl's pleas to let her keep her child reports the Italian news agency, La Stampa.

The girl, Valentina, had become pregnant by her 15 year-old boyfriend, however rather than let her choose to keep her child, her parents demanded she have an abortion on the grounds that she was ruining her life by becoming a mother.

"You cannot hold this child ... you must abort, and father will never have to know," Valentina's mother told her, saying that she did not have the money to support the child.

Despite Valentina's repeated attempts to make her parents understand she wanted to choose to keep her baby, the case went to the Court of Minors. Judge Giuseppe Cocilovo then issued the ruling to abort Valentina's child.

Under Italian law, a minor may not decide whether to keep or abort her child, and may be forced by her guardians or parents to undergo an abortion.

However, the abortion has meant nothing less than disaster for Valentina, who was confined to the psychiatric unit of Regina Margherita children's hospital in Turin after the abortion for wanting to commit suicide.

"You have made me kill, and now I kill myself, I kill myself", cried Valentina. "I do not want here to be," Valentina repeated. "I am not crazy, I am only evil like a dog for what my parents and the judges have obliged to make to me."

The case of Valentina is an egregious case of forced abortion in Italy, where one would expect that a woman's "right to choose" would mean the possibility of choosing life. However, the silence of purportedly "pro-choice" feminist groups has been deafening thus far over 13 year-old Valentina's forced abortion, despite her very own choice that her body should carry life.

To respectfully protest the Italian authorities:

Italian Embassy in U.S.
3000 Whitehaven Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20008

Tel (202) 612-4400
Fax (202) 518-2154
Italian Embassy in Ottawa

275 Slater Street, 21st Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H9

t. +1.613.232.2401
f. +1.613.233.1484

Italian Justice Ministry
Via Arenula, 70 - 00186 ROME
Tel: 06.68851
Web Site:

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Greek Anarchists Continue Wave Of Terror In Athens

Today they firebombed a police station in Zografou, last Thursday they firebombed the TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER and Evzone (Greek ceremonial National guard) stations, go to Stohos for more coverage and news on how to counter demonstrate, in Athens, against Anarchist terror.

Putting Pressure On The Turk

According to the Cyprus-based Financial Mirror the American-based Greek lobby AHI (American Hellenic Institute) has re-introduced legislation into Congress to push for claims by American citizens with property occupied by the Turkish military during their 1974 invasion, this is good for further pressure on Turkey, I encourage all American citizens of Cypriot origin to support AHI and contact their legislative coordinator Alex Aliferis to get more information on how to support the American Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Claims Act

It's a shame that our diaspora, with all its resources does not have more groups pushing for such legislative measures in the English speaking countries which could pressure Turkey through their legal system. What is the diaspora of England,Canada and Australia doing?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Message From A Hellenic Nationalist Comrade : Protesting Letter Against the Falsification of Hellenic History


The 6th grade History book (click to download the entire book) which is being taught since the beginning of the school year in all public Greek schools of the elementary level, constitutes the Trojan horse of economic liberalism and projects the New Order globalization behind its reforming wrapping. It is the first time ever that school books were authored following a competition, which was announced by the Pedagogic Institute, according to the new Interdisciplinary Unified Framework of Study.

The aforementioned book comes in contrast to the unanimous decisions of Greek Parliament, it counterfeits History, exonerates Turkish nationalism, it suppresses the prosecutions of Christian populations and particularly offends the Hellenes of Asia Minor, Thrace and Constantinople who suffered Genocide.

The authors of the 6th grade History book present the students (pg.100) a romanticized image of the perpetrator of Hellenic Genocide, Moustafa Kemal who is reported as "the leader of the liberation struggle of Turks." In the same page (100) the drama of the Hellenes of Smyrna is presented as departure for an amusing trip: "Thousands of Hellenes squeezed in the harbor trying to board…" Two carefully selected sources in page 72, project a hint of contestation of Greece's right to claim Macedonia.

According to the Center of Democracy and Reconciliation in South Eastern Europe (CDRSEE) is an NGO which is funded, inter alia, by USAID, the Foundations of Open Society, governments of various European States, as well as the private sector, such as Titan Cements, Coca-Cola HBN, National Bank of Greece and Alpha Bank.

The "Center of Democracy and Reconciliation in South Eastern Europe" has published a series of four books of alternative teaching which are promoted to secondary level of the Greek education system (Download all four books in English, Greek and Serbian: ). Generally speaking in these books in which supposedly a "Common History of Balkan Countries" has been authored, it is noted that the Greek history perishes and a methodical abortion of Greek historical memory and a national discoloration of Hellenes are attempted. Moreover efforts are being made by the New Order of Things to impose in the Balkans a preparation without reaction, which encourages and promotes Slavic and Turkish dominance. In conclusion we could say that the Romanian and the Turk who wrote the 1st volume, the Romanian who wrote the 2nd volume, the Bulgarian who wrote the 3rd volume and the Croatian who wrote the 4th volume totally buried Hellas and Hellenic history.

Critique on the Joint History Project Books

1. The role of the political and military leaders as historic personalities is downgraded and through doubtful sources, the author of history appears to be the anonymous crowd.

2. The Balkan states appear to be products of the Ottoman Empire that is projected in a completely unhistorical fashion from the beginning of 14 A.D. until the 20th century. Byzantium is totally ignored thus the Byzantine era disappears from any historic context.

3. The Struggle of 1821 is completely absent and only Adamantios Korais' " Polemic Chant" and certain selective extracts from the Proclamation of Alexandros Ypsilantis are documented.

4. The Macedonian Struggle is presented as a Bulgarian Struggle for Macedonia's independence from the Ottoman Empire, even though the FYROM, which is presented as "Macedonia", usurps the Ilinten uprising.

5. There is an unacceptable projection of the FYROM as Macedonia and its inhabitants as THE Macedonians-but foreign to Greek nationality-who are the descendants of King Philip and Alexander the Great.

6. Documentation of Greek sources is very limited, while Slav and Turkish sources are multitudinous.

7. Bulgarian and Turkish atrocities against the Greeks are suppressed.

8. The assumed historical evidence emanates from doubtful and suspect sources without scientific prestige. It is remarkable that is cited nowhere, not even in the bibliography, the prestigious, scientific work of Apostlolos Vakolopoulos, "History of Modern Hellenism", based on most valid sources.

9. There is apparent favoritism toward the Jews.

10. Comparative tables with statistical elements for the population of Macedonian cities are mentioned vindicating the Slavs (Serbs, Bulgarians), thus creating doubt for the reliability of Greek statistical tables.

11.There are misleading images of cities and costumes not favoring the Greek population.

12. EOKA is presented as a risky and terrorist organization.

General Observations on JHP Books

a) Greek history is non-existent and a methodical abortion of Greek historical memory and national discoloration of the Greeks is attempted.

b) Preparation without reaction in imposing the new order of things in the Balkans is being attempted, encouraging the Slavs and Turks.

In conclusion we could say that the Romania and Turk who wrote the first volume, the Romanian who wrote the second volume, the Bulgarian who wrote the third volume and the Croat who wrote the fourth volume literally buried Greece and Greek history.

Some paradigms:

The propaganda against Macedonia's Greeknes is apparent: In pages 107-108 of the second book Nations and States of Southeast Europe, Gjiorgii Pulevski's poem can be found (although in these pages the national anthems of various Balkan countries are depicted, the"academicians" selected this particular poem of the aforementioned poet which does not give the reader an occasion to contest the "Macedonism" of Greece's northern neighbors). In pages 48-49 the FYROM usurps Bulgarian history (Ilinten, Kroushevo etc), while in the existing maps (p. 57 - Southeastern Europe after Versailles and Lausanne 1923) anyone can distinguish in southern Serbia, the word "Macedonia", while we know too well that the name of this region during that era was simply Southerner Serbia and around 1929 became Vardarska Banovina.

A quick look at the aforementioned sites where you can find these books and Antivaro's web site will give you a good idea of the problem which our new Hellenic generation is facing.

Please join the individuals who signed the protesting letter which originated by Antivaro:
and do not forget to sign your name, title, institution, City and Country.

Also please go to this link of Antivaro's webpage and read the press release of Etaireia Makedonikwn Spoudwn in Thessaloniki about the history book of 6th grade:

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Nationalist Weekly, Ελεύθερος Κόσμος-Eleftheros Kosmos, On The Web!

The legendary Aprilist-era newspaper is back and is now on the web, Ελεύθερος Κόσμος-Eleftheros Kosmos can be read online at , please spread the word and visit and read the Nationalist newspaper of old ,today.

The Jews, The "Shabbos Goy" , The Western Media And "The Tomb Of Jesus" Propaganda

I discovered on ABC News that the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece has openly condemned "The Lost Tomb Of Jesus" by filmmaker James Cameron .The article only talks of "Shabbos Goy" James Cameron and carefully neglects to mention the many Jews who co-produced and helped to promote and widely circulate this anti-Christian blasphemy, much like the old days when Jews would hire a good 'Shabbos Goy" to sweep floors in their synagogues and act as a front man to ,lets say, sell Christmas trees to "dumb goyim" ( yiddish for non-Jew) and man the cashier , so as not to arouse any suspicions about the true owners ,backers and profiteers .

If it weren't for the research of Holocaust Revisionist Michael Hoffman, as related in the previous blog entry "Fight Back Against anti-Christ Propaganda With Boycotts And Holocaust Revisionism" I too would not have known that James Cameron was not alone in the "Lost Tomb Of Jesus" propaganda. Acccording to the ABC News article he's also behind previous propaganda attacking our Orthodox Christian monasteries in Sinai ,apparently he's making lots of money for himself and for Jews, thanks to the demonic thirst of your average American mass man for blasphemy and filth.